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第144721–144730筆,共 193113 筆 /  每頁顯示 :

序號 資源名稱
Online ISBN 所屬資料庫 功能
144721 Oceans : how we use the seas 9781438105680 ProQuest Ebook Central
144722 Quantum mechanics & the big world: order, broken symmetry and coherence in quantum many-body systems 9789048502110 ProQuest Ebook Central
144723 The coast: hazardous interactions within the coastal environment 9781438117621 ProQuest Ebook Central
144724 Encyclopedia of physical science (2冊合輯) 9781438119090 ProQuest Ebook Central
144725 Algebra : sets, symbols, and the language of thought 9780816068753 ProQuest Ebook Central
144726 Probability and statistics : the science of uncertainty 9780816068739 ProQuest Ebook Central
144727 Human body : how it works : cells, tissues, and skin 9781438125800 ProQuest Ebook Central
144728 The chemistry of food and nutrition 9789380075471 ProQuest Ebook Central
144729 The facts on file geometry handbook 9781438117584 ProQuest Ebook Central
144730 Climate systems: interactive forces of global warming 9781438126074 ProQuest Ebook Central

第144721–144730筆,共 193113 筆 /  每頁顯示 :