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:連線異常回報 :資源簡介 :收藏

第144701–144710筆,共 193115 筆 /  每頁顯示 :

序號 資源名稱
Online ISBN 所屬資料庫 功能
144701 Arena : on anarchist cinema 9781604861174 ProQuest Ebook Central
144702 The real cost of prisons comix 9781604861747 ProQuest Ebook Central
144703 Makeover television : realities remodelled 9780857714541 ProQuest Ebook Central
144704 Paint or pixel: the digital divide in illustration art 9781933065113 ProQuest Ebook Central
144705 Re-viewing television history : critical issues in television historiography 9780857716392 ProQuest Ebook Central
144706 Ethics of human rights: contested doctrinal and moral issues 9781602580800 ProQuest Ebook Central
144707 After hitchcock: influence, imitation, and intertextuality 9780292795297 ProQuest Ebook Central
144708 Palaces and power in the americas: from peru to the northwest coast 9780292796102 ProQuest Ebook Central
144709 Refracted modernity: visual culture and identity in colonial taiwan 9780824864101 ProQuest Ebook Central
144710 Music scenes: local, translocal and virtual 9780826591814 ProQuest Ebook Central

第144701–144710筆,共 193115 筆 /  每頁顯示 :