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第144671–144680筆,共 193120 筆 /  每頁顯示 :

序號 資源名稱
Online ISBN 所屬資料庫 功能
144671 Early stone houses of kentucky 9780813172880 ProQuest Ebook Central
144672 The bohemian body: gender and sexuality in modern czech culture 9780299222833 ProQuest Ebook Central
144673 Isaac bashevis singer: a life 9780299186937 ProQuest Ebook Central
144674 The 23rd psalm: a holocaust memoir 9780299179731 ProQuest Ebook Central
144675 Antecedents to modern rwanda: the nyiginya kingdom 9780299201234 ProQuest Ebook Central
144676 A political biography of jonathan swift 9781851965687 ProQuest Ebook Central
144677 Writing the self: henry james and america 9781851965519 ProQuest Ebook Central
144678 Buddhism and taoism face to face: scripture, ritual, and iconographic exchange in medieval china 9781435666665 ProQuest Ebook Central
144679 Faith and power in japanese buddhist art, 1600-2005 9780824862466 ProQuest Ebook Central
144680 Donors of longmen: faith, politics, and patronage in medieval chinese buddhist sculpture 9780824862251 ProQuest Ebook Central

第144671–144680筆,共 193120 筆 /  每頁顯示 :