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:連線異常回報 :資源簡介 :收藏

第184801–184810筆,共 193112 筆 /  每頁顯示 :

序號 資源名稱
Online ISBN 所屬資料庫 功能
184801 Aging in America 9780313350948 ABC-CLIO 西文電子書
184802 Aging in a Second Language 9783319576091 SpringerLink英文電子書資料庫
184803 Aging hair 9783642026362 SpringerLink英文電子書資料庫
184804 Aging friendly technology for health and independence 9783642137785 SpringerLink英文電子書資料庫
184805 Aging effects on natural fiber-reinforced polymer composites 9789811683602 SpringerLink英文電子書資料庫
184806 Aging China: The Demographic Challenge to China's Economic Prospects 9780313090943 ABC-CLIO 西文電子書
184807 The aging auditory system 9781441909930 SpringerLink英文電子書資料庫
184808 Aging and the meaning of time: a multidisciplinary exploration 9780826103826 ProQuest Ebook Central
184809 Aging and the Meaning of Time : A Multidisciplinary Exploration 9780826103826 ProQuest Ebook Central
184810 Aging and the Art of Living 9781421407098 Project Muse eBooks Collection 西文電子書

第184801–184810筆,共 193112 筆 /  每頁顯示 :