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第184771–184780筆,共 193119 筆 /  每頁顯示 :

序號 資源名稱
Online ISBN 所屬資料庫 功能
184771 Aging: Oxidative Stress And Dietary Antioxidants 9780124059337 Elsevier eBooks on ScienceDirect
184772 Aging: Lifestyles, Work, and Money 9780313062773 ABC-CLIO 西文電子書
184773 Aging: facts and theories 9783318026535 Karger AG 西文電子書
184774 Aging, Technology and Health Elsevier eBooks on ScienceDirect
184775 Aging, society, and the life course, fourth edition 9780826119384 iGLibrary ebooks
184776 Aging, Society, and the Life Course 9780826121738 ProQuest Ebook Central
184777 Aging, Shaking, and Cracking of Infrastructures 9783030574345 SpringerLink英文電子書資料庫
184778 Aging, Nutrition and Taste: Nutrition, Food Science and Culinary Perspectives for Aging Tastefully Elsevier eBooks on ScienceDirect
184779 Aging, Health, and Longevity in the Mexican-Origin Population 9781461418672 SpringerLink英文電子書資料庫
184780 Aging, but never old: the realities, myths, and misrepresentations of the anti-aging movement 9780313380198 ABC-CLIO 西文電子書

第184771–184780筆,共 193119 筆 /  每頁顯示 :