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:連線異常回報 :資源簡介 :收藏

第50021–50030筆,共 52293 筆 /  每頁顯示 :

序號 資源名稱
收錄年代 Online ISSN 所屬資料庫 功能
50021 Aging cell 14749718 MEDLINE Ultimate生物醫學全文旗艦版
50022 Allergy and asthma proceedings: the official journal of regional and state allergy societies 10885412 MEDLINE Ultimate生物醫學全文旗艦版
50023 Alternative therapies in health and medicine 10786791 MEDLINE Ultimate生物醫學全文旗艦版
50024 Alcohol research & health: the journal of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 15357414 MEDLINE Ultimate生物醫學全文旗艦版
50025 Alcohol research: current reviews 21683492 MEDLINE Ultimate生物醫學全文旗艦版
50026 Alcohol health and research world 0090838X MEDLINE Ultimate生物醫學全文旗艦版
50027 Alcohol and alcoholism: international journal of the Medical Council on Alcoholism 07350414 MEDLINE Ultimate生物醫學全文旗艦版
50028 Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics 02692813 MEDLINE Ultimate生物醫學全文旗艦版
50029 Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 01456008 MEDLINE Ultimate生物醫學全文旗艦版
50030 AIDS treatment news 10524207 MEDLINE Ultimate生物醫學全文旗艦版

第50021–50030筆,共 52293 筆 /  每頁顯示 :