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:連線異常回報 :資源簡介 :收藏

第94871–94880筆,共 245657 筆 /  每頁顯示 :

序號 資源名稱
所屬資料庫 功能
94871 Mindful Education SpringerLink英文電子書資料庫
94872 Legal Culture, Legality and the Determination of the Grounds of Judicial Review of Administrative Action in England and Australia SpringerLink英文電子書資料庫
94873 Latest Developments in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics SpringerLink英文電子書資料庫
94874 Applied Soft Computing and Communication Networks SpringerLink英文電子書資料庫
94875 Strategies of Authoritarian Survival and Dissensus in Southeast Asia SpringerLink英文電子書資料庫
94876 Advances in Thermal Engineering, Manufacturing, and Production Management SpringerLink英文電子書資料庫
94877 Smart Soft-Matter Nanotubes SpringerLink英文電子書資料庫
94878 Advances in Artificial Systems for Power Engineering SpringerLink英文電子書資料庫
94879 Latest Trends in Renewable Energy Technologies SpringerLink英文電子書資料庫
94880 Risks, Identity and Conflict SpringerLink英文電子書資料庫

第94871–94880筆,共 245657 筆 /  每頁顯示 :