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第144611–144620筆,共 193376 筆 /  每頁顯示 :

序號 資源名稱
Online ISBN 所屬資料庫 功能
144611 Mother teresa : caring for the world's poor 9781438104478 ProQuest Ebook Central
144612 Investigating farscape: uncharted territories of sex and science fiction 9780857713650 ProQuest Ebook Central
144613 The happy stripper : pleasures and politics of the new burlesque 9780857713155 ProQuest Ebook Central
144614 Facts on file dictionary of allusions : definations and origins of more than 4,000 allusions 9781438127071 ProQuest Ebook Central
144615 Helen frankenthaler: painting history, writing painting 9780857713209 ProQuest Ebook Central
144616 Contemporary art and memory: images of recollection and remembrance 9780857731685 ProQuest Ebook Central
144617 Career opportunities : career opportunities in the film industry (2nd edition) 9781438120645 ProQuest Ebook Central
144618 Encyclopedia of stanley kubrick : encyclopedia of stanley kubrick 9781438124421 ProQuest Ebook Central
144619 Eye for iran: the photographs of kazem hakimi 9781859644317 ProQuest Ebook Central
144620 Dante and the origins of italian literary culture 9780823227051 ProQuest Ebook Central

第144611–144620筆,共 193376 筆 /  每頁顯示 :