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第144601–144610筆,共 193365 筆 /  每頁顯示 :

序號 資源名稱
Online ISBN 所屬資料庫 功能
144601 Duke ellington: his life in jazz with 21 activities 9781569762424 ProQuest Ebook Central
144602 Building jewish in the roman east 9781433707483 ProQuest Ebook Central
144603 When the soul awakens: the path to spiritual evolution and a new world era 9780982004739 ProQuest Ebook Central
144604 London's burning: true adventures on the frontlines of punk, 1976-1977 9781569762981 ProQuest Ebook Central
144605 Tour:smart: and break the band 9781556529665 ProQuest Ebook Central
144606 The lost supreme: the life of dreamgirl florence ballard 9781569763018 ProQuest Ebook Central
144607 Gil evans: out of the cool: his life and music 9781556529856 ProQuest Ebook Central
144608 My bloody life: the making of a latin king 9781556527395 ProQuest Ebook Central
144609 Elie wiesel : messenger of peace 9781438104430 ProQuest Ebook Central
144610 The heebie-jeebies at cbgb's: a secret history of jewish punk 9781556526985 ProQuest Ebook Central

第144601–144610筆,共 193365 筆 /  每頁顯示 :